Wednesday, September 30, 2009

impromptu art

The thoughts that we most want to desert us
are the very thoughts that spin, twist,
warp and presuppose judicial thought:
they are the pieces that wreck loose and
unnecessarily. Sense thrusts
where objection smears, where the endangered foreplay
of awkward moments courses over every
pore, every sharpened breath.

I want you more than lines can conceal
and my mind fails to leave this alone. There are few
reroutes, less than six detours to take
and I am left awash in the swell of wonder:
can you hear me?

But love is an afterthought, I think, it seems.
Spatial attraction rips through these cranial torrents
and I think I cannot speak simply
because simplicity escapes me. Simple is not always

Of course if you were easy:
I wouldn't want you this way.

Where the brainstorm trails, you wander after
and there is always room for your hand in mine,
or: there would be
if I knew how to tell you.

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